
check the ticket prices of the concerts


prices may vary depending on the capacity of the area / subscription concerts.


buy seats here


Seats sale for the season 25/26: May 26, 2025


price table

beethoven's fifth126 €102 €76 €58 €48 €40 €
the ring without words166 €132 €98 €78 €68 €48 €
mozart's sinfonia concertante116 €92 €76 €58 €48 €34 €
mahler's ninth112 €88 €72 €58 €46 €32 €
st matthew passion92 €76 €62 €54 €44 €28 €
strauss' capriccio118 €94 €78 €64 €48 €34 €

VAT included. Fees not included.

auditori mapa localitats

palau de la música

price table

martha argerich128 €104 €78 €64 €48 €34 €
surprise symphony128 €104 €78 €64 €48 €34 €
the burst of baroque78 €72 €54 €48 €34 €28 €

VAT included. Fees not included.

palau localitats



There are group discounts for groups from 10 people (10% discount) and for groups from 20 people (20% discount).

You can make reservations trough Ibercamera, by calling +34 93 317 90 50.

people under 35

People under 35 years of age, can benefit from:

  • 50% discount on individual tickets

Limited tickets and areas.

You can make the purchase on the web by choosing the discount "under 35".

cultura jove

Ibercamera collaborates with Cultura Jove, a social campaign promoted by the Departament de Cultura, that wants to promote cultural access for young people between 18 and 30 years old.

music students groups

We offer limited tickets for certain seasonal concerts at special prices for music students groups (from € 20).

In case you are interested in the promotion, you can make your reservation by calling 93 317 90 50 or by sending an e-mail to